By Katapult on Mar 19, 2020 12:00:00 AM
A message from our CEO ——
First, we would like to extend heartfelt sympathy to our customers, merchant partners, families and all those effected by the dynamic situation we are currently facing. We are grateful to the healthcare workers and those on the front lines trying so hard to keep us all safe and healthy.
We have taken steps to protect the well-being, health, and safety of our most important assets, our associates while sustaining normal business operations and support. We have halted travel, and quickly moved our operations and call center activities remote. This transition has proven to be smooth with uninterrupted service.
For our customers, we value our relationship and want to keep the lines of communication open during this time. Our customer service team is available to assist you with any questions that you have about your Katapult lease purchase agreement. You can reach us via LiveChat or by calling us at 833- KATAPULT (528-2785). You can also access your account online 24/7 by visiting our online customer portal here.
For our merchant partners, Katapult is committed to the ongoing success and support of our merchant partners, we value your partnership and want to assure you that we are prepared to maintain service level during this uncertain time. Please reach out to your Account Manager if you have any questions and they would be happy to assist.
We will continue to monitor the situation and our Katapult team remains focused on your success. Please reach out if you need any assistance or support.
Be well,